- The Wheat from the Chaff
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- The Wheat from the Chaff #5
The Wheat from the Chaff #5
This week we continue with the hype of chatGPT, we had the new Bing added to Windows and Meta trying to recover with new tools for WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram. We also have a very interesting analysis about AI in Formula 1 and a relaxed chat in the podcast "Isso ninguém vê" (Nobody sees that).

As part of my job, every week I read a lot of content about data, technology, and artificial intelligence (also known as AI). I filter them and send you the best ones, every Sunday.
Hello everyone 👋 ,
This week we continue with the hype of chatGPT, we had the new Bing added to Windows and Meta trying to recover with new tools for WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram. We also have a very interesting analysis about AI in Formula 1 and a relaxed chat in the podcast "Isso ninguém vê" (Nobody sees that).
It is time to separate the wheat from the chaff…

Less is More
Last Sunday, I read an editorial in the newspaper O Globo with the following title: "Systems that simulate creative activities will have a profound impact on business, politics, and life."
In summary, the text describes the creativity simulation offered by chatGPT and its counterparts, which is based on systems capable of learning and reproducing natural languages, known as "Large Language Models" (LLMs).
Since chatGPT was released to the public, schools and universities have been facing difficulties in dealing with the use of Artificial Intelligence in essays, exams, and assignments. On the other hand, companies are excited about the prospects brought to their businesses.
According to McKinsey, more than 50% of corporations already incorporate Artificial Intelligence robots into their operations. However, there is concern that Artificial Intelligence may have the same effect on creative activities as other technologies had on mechanical or repetitive jobs. Authorities worldwide are perplexed and concerned about the use of AI in disinformation campaigns.
That being said, we will prepare a series of three texts that we believe will have an impact on our readers:
About the enthusiasm of companies in showing a basic roadmap for an executive or non-technical person to understand a little of what is happening;
About ethical dilemmas and how this topic is being discussed;
About the hype of chatGPT and how we have already had other hypes in the past.
As we are not obvious, we love to start from the back and, therefore, we go to item 3). We hope you like it :)
According to Gartner, innovations have cycles, and it is natural for many to fall off the radar and others to return to focus in the medium and long term.
For example, in 2016, George Hilton, considered by many as the "father" of Deep Learning, stated in a video during the Congress of the American Society of Radiology that, in five years, models that make use of the techniques called Deep Learning would have superior performance to radiologists and that the profession would be somewhat at risk. However, according to the research "Medical Demography in Brazil 2020," by the research team of the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of USP, with technical cooperation from the Federal Council of Medicine, there were only 14,225 radiologists in the country in 2020, being one of the medical specialties most chosen by professionals. In the USA, the number of radiologists grew by about 7% between 2015 and 2019.
Another example is that "metaverse" and "NFT" were probably the two most mentioned words in the tech world in 2021. However, in 2022, there was a decrease of almost 90% in NFT trading on OpenSea (the main platform for trading non-fungible tokens). According to a study by the blockchain analysis platform Delphi Digital, conducted in 18 metaverses, the average trading volume of NFTs representing virtual lands dropped by 98% compared to its peak in 2021.
However, this movement of chatGPT has something different. It is the first time I see CEOs directly using an AI tool without the need for technical support and being surprised by the results. We are witnessing a movement that has a different pattern from previous ones. Let's closely observe the next chapters.
Interesting topics Brazil:
Trending topics Global:
Guest of the Week: Dan Stulbach and Cláudio Zaidan
This week I spoke with these two "communication giants" on the podcast "Isso ninguém vê" (Nobody sees that). A very relaxed chat about the relationship between artificial intelligence, data, and trends for the coming years. (Podcast in Portuguese)

See you Sunday…
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